Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New and different finds, plus an old friend...

Don't know if it's the weather (rain, rain, more rain) or just plain dumb luck, but we've found a few herps on the road, and at home, at times we least expected them, and unusual finds...for us, that is.

The first is our very own Rough Green Snake.  Saw him crossing the road, as we were going to town one morning about 9:00.  Believe me, they are hard to spot on the road!   We know they are around, but we haven't personally seen one in the wild for probably at least 20 years!
The next little guy/gal (size is deceiving in these pictures), was a Red Bellied Snake, caught just outside the back door of our house.  Looked to be a gravid female, but we're not keeping her around just to see.  She was photographed in the same spot as the Rough Green Snake, and if you look, you can see some of the same detritis, which you can use for comparison purposes.  Suffice it to say "she" was as heavy or heavier than the RGS, but about 1/4 as long!

And last is a prairie kingsnake we picked up along the road, of course, during the hot part of the day, and we donated her to the local Nature Center, as they were looking for one.  Unfortunately they did not think she would make a good specimen, as she "rattled her tail" and looked as though she was going to bite them.  So she gave up a life of leisure and easy food, and we brought her back home.  We think she may be gravid, so we're going to keep her a bit longer and see if she lays eggs.  If so, we're going to hatch them out, and donate one of the offspring to the Nature Center.  They want a young one they can raise up to be tame and gentle!!?

With all the rain we've been having, we also expect to find a few more misguided water turtles...stay tuned!

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