Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dogloos and sulcatas

FINALLY got the tortoises outside and OVERNIGHT, for the first time this spring.  Hopefully we won't have to bring them in again until this fall.   We did have them outside a few times this year already, but the night time temps were too cold, so we'd haul them back and forth.  And a basketball-sized tortoise is hard to maneuver! 

For the sulcatas we use dog igloos for housing;  they really seem to enjoy them.  They go in them during hot times of the day, and at night when they put themselves to bed.  This is our largest, sitting outside his/her igloo.  It's one of the largest size you can buy.  We took out the floor and just laid the igloo on the ground.  The tortoise has dug a hole in the ground inside, but has made no attempt in at least four years to dig out of the pen. 

At the end of the summer, there will be a track around the perimeter and the grass mowed short within the pen, but for now, it's in "tall cotton" (or clover and grass.)

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