Saturday, January 11, 2014

Blast fom the past...

Since the weather has been absolutely miserable, I've been cleaning out drawers, etc, and came across some old, OLD price lists.  This is not the oldest, but one of the more interesting for a variety of reasons.    In its "hey day" the Philadelphia Reptile Exchange was owned and operated by Hank Molt (name ring a bell to some of you?)!  He was one of the more infamous reptile dealers at the time. 
If you look at some of the prices, you almost wish you could go back to those days, but then again, your income was probably much less than it is today.  Captive breeding was in its infancy, so all those were probably imports and mortality could be very high. 

Many of these animals are not even available to the general public any more.  Prices have risen and fallen.  Color morphs were not anything people worried about, with the exception of yellow Eyelash Vipers (B. schlegeli.)  At that time the majority that arrived in the U.S. were green, (even though the price list has "yellow" indicated as being available) and we were happy with those!  Some of the scientific names have changed.  But remember, this was over 40 years ago. 

Guess that makes me one of the "old timers!"  But then I've been collecting price lists practically since my "infancy!"  Enjoy the read!



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