Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ouch!!!!! or @#$%%^$&#*@



You may have been wondering how the rhino iguana, that we "rescued" is doing!

Obviously he's progressed to "solid food" and has a very healthy appetite.  We haven't had the time to make him a more appropriate cage, but it will definitely be one where we can feed him without getting our hands (or fingers) too close, as pictured! 

When people ask me if I've ever been bitten, they're most always talking about snakes.  They seem to forget that lizards can bite too, and very hard! I must admit my language was not printable during this encounter. 

P.S.  Haven't had time to post new pics (which would entail handling this charmer) but we did make a nice large cage for him, and he settled in nicely, and eats anything and everything with a special fondness for bananas!

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