Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Visitor of the day...

Got home this afternoon to find this guy attached to the cement on the side of the house.   He appeared much more grey, and closer to the color of the cement than this photo would attest.  If you look closely you can see a few little green spots peeking through. Might be the same one who was quite green when attached to the screen on our back door last summer.

Then there was this unfortunate fellow.  I was going down the road and saw this rather large black rat snake in the middle of my lane.  I swerved, stopped, ran back and picked him up.  He was coiled as though daring someone to hit him.  He had his mouth gaping in a mad posture.  I thought he was just fine and darned lucky.  Unfortunately not so.  If you look at the middle part of his body you can see a slight irregularity where he had been run over. 

He never felt bad (meaning "squishy" for lack of a better term) or lost use of his back end and tail, but I guess the internal injuries were massive.  Just shows you that a snake that has been run over, even though looking well and acting fairly normal, probably will not survive. 

And he was "posed" in my pasture for this picture.  I figure he can be dinner for some hawk owl or vulture later today. 

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