Thursday, November 1, 2012

Do a good deed!

It's been a while since we've gone to a reptile show that had "hots."  We couldn't go to Hamburg this fall due to a catastrophic illness, but all is well now.  Since we still needed "to get out of town" for some R&R, we went to the Repticon show in Dallas.  But this is not about the show.

We did find one table devoted to stopping rattlesnake roundups!   I was glad to see these folks taking initiative as we can't be vocal enough in telling everyone who will listen, that round-ups are an abomination. They had literature, a person giving regular presentations on the problems and horrors involved in these round-ups, and...a way to make money to support their cause...t-shirts!

Not that I don't already have enough herp-related t-shirts, but this is different!   These shirts make a definite statement and need to be seen! And not just by fellow herpers.

The shirt says "Education, not eradication."  The way it's folded, that's not so obvious.  Lotsa colors, lotsa sizes, lotsa reasons to own this shirt!  I'm embarassed that I don't remember the names of the gentlemen involved in this endeavor.    But at least someone is involved, in a more-than-casual way!
PETA isn't doing anything; HSUS wants money before they tackle ANY animal abuse, etc, etc., and even then it goes mostly for administration, and little towards actual animal rescue. 
 Here's one way you can get a shirt, in case you don't find these guys at one of your shows.  The web site is: 


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