Monday, July 4, 2011


We have a "man-made" pond next to our house, or actually attached to our house.  Long story about an addition that's taking longer to finish than we anticipated.    Anyway the foundation holds water!  We had tadpoles in there earlier in the year, and just as they were getting legs, something waded in and ate all of them.  Probably a raccoon? 

So it rained hard last night (for a change as it's been very dry lately) and the frogs were calling like mad.  When we went out this morning, we found these two in amplexus!  Do frogs breed more than  once a year?  We thought not, but we'll watch for eggs.  Unless this was purely recreational sex, and/or a "rain dance."

 Sorry for the poor shot; it's hard to take pictures under water!  Or rather, when the subjects are under water!  These are grey tree frogs.

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