Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Treading water

Just got through soaking some of our baby leopard tortoises.  They do seem to have good poops on their own, in their cage, but a good soak now and then seems justified.  I fill half of a double wash basin with lukewarm water, to about 1 inch at the deepest end.  The water would feel more cool than warm to your hand.  Then I put the little guys in, and they can move around as they feel necessary.  Occasionally they will poop immediately.  Sometimes you just see little air bubbles rising to the top, probably a small fart, on their part!  I usually leave them in there for 15-20 minutes at the longest,  and check them often, as I don't want any of them turning over, and drowning, if they can't right themselves.
These guys are a bit bigger than a golf ball, but not as big as a league ball.  The next picture shows what two of their adult siblings look like.   We sold these guys about 6-7 years ago, and got them back.  Amazing change of color from what you see above to now!  We have to thank Judy Hume of Texas, for raising and selling us these darlings (the babies)!

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