Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day and where were the snakes...?

We did go snake hunting this morning at a little known cottonmouth den site.  Since the weather has been in the 60s the last few days, and was supposed to be in the 70s today, we thought we'd give it a try.

We found one Cottonmouth, and one Black Ratsnake.  Not a great day, but we did see what we set out to see.  Someone else, who followed us by about an hour, found at least 12!  So we know to start a bit later in the day.

No pictures, but the picture on the blog is a juvenile we found last year. 

We don't collect there as it's a site where there's some research going on, and we already have a cottonmouth (from another area) and we don't want any more.  It's just fun to see, and photograph, but of course we left the camera at home.

Saw a Five-lined skink at home, so the herps are coming above ground.  Of course the water turtles have been out for weeks...  Ahhhhhh, summer must be close at hand...

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