Sunday, February 6, 2011

Know your limitations!

Recently, in Tennessee, there was a death from a copperhead bite. Very unusual, as copperheads are not thought to be deadly, but never say never. The person involved went into anaphylactic shock (allergic reaction) and that was that. Usually people know if they have such allergies, and carry an epinephrin pen (epi-pen) with them. Obviously this poor fellow didn't know that, until it was too late.

But that's not the issue I want to talk about. From reports I read, this person was fairly new to venomous snakes, and had already been bitten before. One time is too many; twice, and you might think of another hobby! Unless you are in the business of milking for venom research, or some such occupation. Even then, you do not anticipate, nor want to get bit. It can be a very painful, and expensive lesson, and in this fellow's case, deadly.

There are scads of tools available for the handling of venomous snakes. Just because you see someone "free-handling" an animal, doesn't mean anyone and everyone could do it if careful. You can never be TOO careful. There are many good herpers out there, who have venomous snakes, who have never been bitten. Most likely they don't do any extra "handling" of their animals either. Again, know your limitations!

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