Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In the well house...

Everyone who lives in the country says they have a big "blacksnake" (i.e. black ratsnake) in their well house. We really do!!! We also have at least one living under our shop building. We tried to get his picture this morning, but as soon as one gets the camera out, the snake disappears. Well, he stayed until we tried to focus, and then...split!  The only pic I got was with my finger in the way of the lens.

This is one of the joys of living in the country...having herps at your fingertips. We have "lost" a couple non-venomous snakes in the past, and they've always ended up under the shop building. It's kinda funny to be walking around the perimeter and find a corn snake, or a sinaloan milksnake crawling around. These were repatriated to what we considered to be more suitable habitat...a cage within the building. Might not be considered as natural, but those snakes don't belong naturally in the wild, in SW Missouri.

Getting back to the black rat snake in the well house, it's going to make the squirrel, who's now living there, rather uncomfortable when the snake comes back out of hibernation.

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